Upon the realization that it’s been literally years since I last updated this fine site, I figured it was time to hunker down and write up all the news about the project.
The major update—you will not need SASEs to get a flower for the foreseeable future! This isn’t a permanent arrangement, but it should last for some time. I was given some money by a nonprofit that rather liked my project and wanted a couple hundred flowers to give to their patrons. I couldn’t bear to take the money as a payment—the whole point of the project is giving art away for free—but I decided what I could do is receive it as a donation, and spend the money on supplies, envelopes, and postage so I could mail flowers out directly to people. I’ve set up an email address—free@10kflowers.com—and all you have to do is send your mailing address and I’ll pop one in the mail for you. When I go through the money, I might do a GoFundMe or a Kickstarter to replenish, but that’s a ways down the road.
I’ve been quite productive at making them, but not so effective at giving them away.
I decided to slow down production so that I draw one new flower for every two flowers I give away. (I’ve decided that having flowers fall out of my back pocket, dragging a perfectly good catbook with them, counts as giving them away to the universe. I’ve added a new category in my summary page to acknowledge them.) This meant that I spent long stretches with no drawings at all, unfortunately. I’ve now given away (or lost) enough to last me a few sessions, so I’ll be updating Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Mastodon accordingly. Please spread the word so I can draw more of them!
It took longer than I care to contemplate to bundle up all those flowers into the nice, neat stacks you see above. See that little sticky note poking out of one stack with “+100” written on it? Yeah, about that…
On the 12th of July, 2016, I drew two flowers, as I usually do, and I jumped the numbering back by 100 when I finished up the second one. This went unnoticed for SIX YEARS. Every flower I have drawn since then has been off by 100.
But I did finally count through everything carefully and put things in order and now the only thing left is to roll up my sleeves, grab a pen, and start renumbering. This may take a while. Then again, so does drawing ten thousand flowers.
I think that covers everything for now. I’ll try to me more prompt about updating this place. In the meantime, do you have a flower? Do you want one? Just go here for all the deets and one of these lovelies could be yours!
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