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I have an iPhone. I do not complain about this. I’m slowly learning Spanish with Duolingo, and I was able to lose all the weight that medication had put on me with LoseIt. But social media was threatening to become my downfall. I was checking things constantly and ignoring the world around me, which made […]
There’s far too many lucky stars to count
–The Tender Idols, “Six Minute Feeling”
When I finally settled on pricing my art at the rate of five dollars per square inch, I decided I needed some form of one-square-inch art so just about anybody could afford at least something of mine. I came up with […]
Use this technique for: when you’re stuck on a project and need to move forward on it.
Starting point: when you haul out the book to write in.
Ending point: when what you’re trying to work on is finished.
This is a technique that I’m still testing out, so to speak, so if anybody who’s […]
I think of all the materials and objects I use to create my word art, the only ones specifically purchased for artmaking purposes was the pack of Pilot G-2 Mini gel pens that I picked up at an office supply store. The rest of my art supplies are things that were handed down to me […]
This is the second of two recent “hey, look, I’ve got a picture frame, let’s fill it with art!” pieces. (The previous entry, Fire Meets Water, was the other one.) While it’s very, very, easy to get a standard size picture frame and do standard sized artwork to fit in advance, there’s something a little […]
If you told me to write a love song tonight, I’d have a lot of trouble. But if you tell me to write a love song about a girl with a red dress who goes into a bar and is on her fifth martini and is falling off her chair, that’s a lot easier, and […]
Chapter Six: Clicktappity Use this technique for: when you’re in front of a computer and your brain is feeling fuzzy. Starting point: when you pull up whatever file you want to type in. Ending point: whenever you feel like stopping. Why the resistance? Why the revulsion? What am I beating myself against that is making […]
Chapter Five: The Sub-C Session Use this technique for: when you’re feeling stuck about something. Starting point: when you sit down to do it. Ending point: when you feel ready to take action. So I’ve got a Maker’s Mark and cola and I’m trying to figure out what to do next. With any of it. […]
Use this technique for: a daily practice to clear your head.
Starting point: at the start of three pages.
Ending point: when three pages have been filled.
8:47 AM Vivaldi, and the usual breakfast. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Were I at the old job, I’d be getting coffee and settling in. But I’m […]
Chapter Three: The Three Daily Pages Use this technique for: a daily practice to clear your head. Starting point: at the start of three pages. Ending point: when three pages have been filled. 8:47 AM Vivaldi, and the usual breakfast. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Were I at the old job, I’d be getting […]