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Doo-Nanny 2012!

Yes, I will be at the Doo-Nanny.

Yes, I’m bringing art. And flowers.

Yes, I’m looking forward to it.

No, I haven’t finished packing yet.

Excuse me while I get on that.

Word Art: Abstract #3

This is the third in a series of experiments with doing Word Art in abstract patterns with, well, rather abstract words to go with them.

Abstract #3

Waves of shining silver water caress a blue sand beach as you stand facing the horizon.

The sun is high and bright in a sky with […]

Word Art: Wishing Stars

There’s far too many lucky stars to count

–The Tender Idols, “Six Minute Feeling”

When I finally settled on pricing my art at the rate of five dollars per square inch, I decided I needed some form of one-square-inch art so just about anybody could afford at least something of mine. I came up with […]

Art-B-Que May 7-8 2011

Just a quick post to let people know I’ll be sharing a tent with my brother Sean O’Shea of Industrious Designs at the Art-B-Que this weekend in Avondale Estates, Georgia.

Think maybe I should get some more art made for it?

Heading for the Doo-Nanny

I’d hoped to have some new art to post about but my inspiration logjammed to a halt and I was only able to get one more abstract done, which is destined for the Possum Trot auction tonight as the pre-game to the Doo-Nanny this weekend.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to finish packing.


Word Art: Abstract #1

This was a first attempt at what I plan to be a series of pieces that are abstract shapes with words that aren’t completely required to make sense.

Abstract #1

Wake up to an iridescent sky and razor angular clouds burning in the blood rose glow of a sun that dangles on the horizon but […]

Word Art: Breaking Awake

I had it in my head that I would do something simple and easy to add to my collection of Word Art. Two colors bisected by a narrowing crack between them. Something about the breakings of things. Should have been able to knock it out in one evening.


My inspiration ground to a halt […]

My New Career: One Year Later

One year ago yesterday was the night I mark as the start of my art career.

One year ago today might be the day that I first considered all the implications of what that might mean.

One year later, and now I’m contemplating all that has resulted since then.

I certainly have some good stories […]

Word Art: Speak

This is one of the first pieces I did, in about the same style as That Which Is Called the Heart and Spiral, which is to say in the style of still figuring out what the heck I was doing. I made it because I decided that I wanted a background to my Twitter page […]

Word Art: Alien Life

Lake Sirmon is one of the reasons I am irretrievably barred from saying I have not had an interesting life. We met at an art show that my friend Steve took me to. It was supposed to be the grand opening of her new art gallery and studio space. Unfortunately, an ice storm hit the […]