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I’m not sure which rabbit hole of links I tumbled down to land on the virtual doorstep of Pace and Kyeli, but I can certainly say that I’m glad I did. It was refreshing to see such enthusiasm, optimism, sensitivity and encouragement in the cynical wilds of the blogosphere. I added their blog to my […]
Whenever possible, I set aside my birthday as a day to go out, explore, ramble and indulge myself a bit. June 14, 2010 was no exception. I spent the day visiting Centennial Olympic Park and the Georgia Aquarium and that evening I went to a restaurant in Virginia Highlands for Linchpin day.
Linchpin day was, […]
When I’d finished up Exile and The Intruders had finished their set, I packed up and said goodnight to the lads and showed them my work in a kind of “look what I did while you were playing!” way. I didn’t expect any of them would even attempt to read it. One of the guitarists […]
At 2011 Bolton Road, in the northwest part of Atlanta, there is a relatively new commercial building that lacks tenants in its upper floor. The owner is amenable to letting artists use the space while nobody else is, and thus I’m now participating in my second art show there. The first show was the Upper […]
I was told about the Doo-Nanny by Chris Hubbard, and figured at the very least I’d come back with some good stories to tell, so I went. I did indeed come back with some good stories to tell, including the probably-more-epic-than-it-really-needs-to-be tale of how I managed to get a pair of Converse high-tops for two […]
Hello to any new visitors who saw me at Riverfest! I had a lovely time there and I hope to make it next year.
All my Etsy listings have been deactivated for the moment. Sorry about that. I’ve taken them down while the pieces in question are being set up for Art on the Fringe. […]
Just a quick post to let the Atlanta-area readers of this blog (both of you) know that I’ll have a table at Riverfest on Saturday, May 8 2010. There’s an admission fee, but that fee includes bands, barbeque and beer and the proceeds go to neighborhood groups and charities. If you make it, do stop […]
Writing in tiny wee writing is particularly well suited for framing in tiny wee frames. One of my thrift shop runs provided me with a rather elaborate frame with a two-inch-by-three-inch window. I decided, as an experiment, to see if I could fit a poem in it. Since the poem itself wasn’t that long, I […]
I’d bought a handful of small frames from a thrift superstore that opened recently near where I live. This was made on a small piece of paper cut to fit that frame. I started with two pens and the general idea to alternate colors with more lines per color as I progressed. I pretty much […]
By the time I’d gotten to Neptune, it was the fourth of the planetary Word Art pieces I had done on that particular Thursday and I was enormously relieved that Pluto was no longer on the list. I was worried I wouldn’t find much to write about since its far distance meant that, like Uranus, […]