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I was told about the Doo-Nanny by Chris Hubbard, and figured at the very least I’d come back with some good stories to tell, so I went. I did indeed come back with some good stories to tell, including the probably-more-epic-than-it-really-needs-to-be tale of how I managed to get a pair of Converse high-tops for two […]
Writing in tiny wee writing is particularly well suited for framing in tiny wee frames. One of my thrift shop runs provided me with a rather elaborate frame with a two-inch-by-three-inch window. I decided, as an experiment, to see if I could fit a poem in it. Since the poem itself wasn’t that long, I […]
I’d bought a handful of small frames from a thrift superstore that opened recently near where I live. This was made on a small piece of paper cut to fit that frame. I started with two pens and the general idea to alternate colors with more lines per color as I progressed. I pretty much […]
By the time I’d gotten to Neptune, it was the fourth of the planetary Word Art pieces I had done on that particular Thursday and I was enormously relieved that Pluto was no longer on the list. I was worried I wouldn’t find much to write about since its far distance meant that, like Uranus, […]
At this point, I don’t have my artwork framed professionally but make use of standard photo frames from thrift shops and dollar stores. Not only am I too broke to afford much more, I prefer to be able to remove the art easily in order to scan it or make minor corrections.
I picked up […]
This planet is, of course, the one that makes schoolboys snicker upon the mere mention of the name. The symbol only makes it worse, I fear–all you’d need to do is add a pair of hands and you’d practically have a pictogram for goatse.
Stress on the first syllable, schwa on the […]
Last night I met someone–the new friend of an old friend–who had a symbol for Saturn worked into a tattoo on his arm. It was, to my momentary bafflement, entirely unlike the symbol for Saturn that I’d traced and rendered into Word Art. The symbol he’d chosen was one that dated back to Medieval times […]
Jupiter was the first planetary symbol that, blessedly, didn’t saddle me with the tricky business of filling in words around a circle. It’s also not a symbol that has too many pop-cultural associations, so people either know what it is on sight or have no idea whatsoever.
I started it on Thursday morning, the day […]
I am not a scientist and have no immediate plans to become one, so when gathering the information to fill in the spaces on the planetary series I’m more interested in the cultural implications of the planets than I am in the statistics of the bodies themselves. Mars is a good example of this.
We don’t spend much time thinking about Earth being as much an astronomical body as any other planet in space, and I said as much in the text. This one was both easier and harder than the other planets because of that.
We live here.
The most thoroughly explored planet […]