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Word Art: Star Light Star Bright

This is the second of two recent “hey, look, I’ve got a picture frame, let’s fill it with art!” pieces.  (The previous entry, Fire Meets Water, was the other one.)  While it’s very, very, easy to get a standard size picture frame and do standard sized artwork to fit in advance, there’s something a little more fun about making art to fit into an existing frame, especially if the frame isn’t the usual photograph size.

I’ve had this beautiful stained glass frame for so long I’m honestly a bit uncertain where I got it from.  I’m pretty sure it was a birthday present from a friend.  It sat, much like the bridesmaid’s gift frame, unfilled because I had no three-inch-by-three-inch pictures to fit into it and was reluctant to crop any existing photographs to make them fit.  When I finally started doing word art, one of the first things I wanted to try was a star as the white space.  This was the result:

Star Light Star Bright

Star Light Star Bright

The rhyme is engraved on my heart, to the point that the words don’t even come up anymore.

A glance at the sky and a longing rises up, the craving of the moment cast into the ether in the hopes that it will somehow be heard.

The request is usually for love. That seems to be the way of it.

Once in a while, the request is granted promptly enough to encourage one to expect more.

More often, the wish requires a repetition so, perhaps, the forces in such charge can be sure that it was well and truly meant, and not an idle thing.

How many of the tales we are told begin as an idle and unmeant wish is made?

Even God likes to be sure before He answers our prayers.

How much distance is there really between a prayer and a wish?

Each new night sky presents one with the chance to ask a most singularly important question. What do I really want?

And the answer comes in our cravings, in our secret longings, in the things we aren’t supposed to speak aloud lest we jinx it.

Which came first, I wonder–astrology or the practice of wishing on the stars?

And is there as much of a distance between the two as to even notice?

The result is the same in any event–casting our fate on lights in the sky from distant places.

The urge to control our fate by harnessing the forces of the cosmos.

Some of the turns of phrase came out a little weird because of the demands of fitting the words to the space provided.  I’m also not entirely happy with the way the first line was too large and too loose, but the rest of the words came out too well for me to want to toss the whole thing, so I’m keeping it.

Stars seem to have become a recurring theme in my work without much effort on my part.  There’s a piece I finished recently called “Moon, Stars, Comets and Other Possibilities” that runs in similar directions and I’m planning to do a series based on the astronomical symbols for the planets, followed by another series on the astrological signs.  Perhaps some future art historian can analyze the reasons why after I’m safely dead.  Until then, I’ll just be making the damn art.

Prints of this work are available here.

The original is not for sale.

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