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Today, according to my calculations, is the one year anniversary of the day I embarked on this mad project. The gremlins in the head did win enough battles, so that my current rate is a little less than a flower a day, but I hope to rectify that soon.
It was easy enough to keep […]
I’ve done a bit of tweakery to simplify the link to the Ten Thousand Flowers project and I decided to go ahead and register the domain 10KFlowers.com to point here. (I’m still keeping Wonderbink.com, though, because who else would want it?)
It’s been not quite a year since I embarked on this crazy idea and […]
How do you break into comics? Post your comics on the web. Poof! You’re in comics. How to make any money in comics? That’s the big question.
–Evan Dorkin, in a Twitter post.
Evan Dorkin is a comic book artist who is probably best known as the creator of Milk and Cheese and, more recently, […]
Yes, I will be at the Doo-Nanny.
Yes, I’m bringing art. And flowers.
Yes, I’m looking forward to it.
No, I haven’t finished packing yet.
Excuse me while I get on that.
It’s been roughly six months since I got it in my head that I would draw and give away ten thousand flowers and I think I’ve gotten a grand total of six envelopes mailed in my direction. When I infiltrated Flux 2011 and set myself up at a table, I was able to draw and […]
So for my 2012, I have decided instead of the usual resolutions about exercise and getting organized, I’m going to take on three self-imposed challenges. The one we’ll discuss here pertains, as you might have guessed, to my Ten Thousand Flowers project.
I knew when I set myself the task of drawing ten thousand of […]
I find that when I give myself a ridiculous but quantifiable task such as, say, drafting a 50,000 word novel in thirty days, it helps to have some kind of visual aid that allows me to keep track of how far I’ve come and how far I have to go. By breaking it down into […]
After making such a huge show of posting my letter to the Postmaster General regarding my misadventures in acquiring an International Reply Coupon, it seemed only fair that I make note of the response that landed in my mailbox yesterday. I have scanned it (with some redactions) and present it below.
(The full-size […]
This is the third in a series of experiments with doing Word Art in abstract patterns with, well, rather abstract words to go with them.
Abstract #3
Waves of shining silver water caress a blue sand beach as you stand facing the horizon.
The sun is high and bright in a sky with […]
I’m up to twenty flowers in my Ten Thousand Flowers project, with four sent out so far. I’ve gotten one envelope from across town, two from across the country and another from across the world.
I’d never had the occasion to use an International Reply Coupon before, but I didn’t think it would be any […]